Mommy Likes : Baby Skin Care

Happy Sunday peeps!! Today is my lazy day at home!! Yes, you heard it right! LAZY!! I usually have to work 3 out of 4 weekends in a month but today.. is my one and only lazy Sunday at home!! Woohooo!! This is the day where I just lay in bed with Bella and hug her till noon! Hahahha.. Sounds heavenly to me!! But most of the time, it doesn’t really happen that way.. Mommies always have something to do. Either change the bed sheets and/or clean the bathrooms and/or anything under our house roof!! You name it.. we do it all, right!!

So, today I’m doing my checklist for my new baby, what to buy (and NOT to buy!!) 😉 The baby is coming in a few weeks time 🙂 I’m currently at about 30 weeks pregnant… and that leave me about 2 months more to go (and walk around like a penguin!!) This time, my baby shopping list is really short! I mean it! Hahah.. I only need to buy my new baby his/her skincare products!! And by that, what I mean is the diaper rash cream and baby oil massage 🙂

My favorite diaper rash cream is by Burt’s Bee.. It’s called Baby Bee Diaper Ointment. I have been using this for Bella since birth and she never had any issue with diaper rash. The reason I choose this diaper rash cream is because it is made of mainly natural ingredients like beeswax, sweet almond oil, jojoba seed, lavender, rosemary, soybean.. Sounds yummy isn’t it? I think it’s important to keep our baby’s skin chemical-free especially when they are young. And of course it doesn’t stain her cloth diapers as it is made of natural ingredients.

You only need a little bit of this cream to cover the skin as it’s very thick in consistency. This whole tube lasted for about 5 to 6 months. I really recommend this cream for mommy’s out there who is obsessed (owh yeah.. that’s me!!) about chemical product on your tiny baby skin 😉

Another favorite product of mine is the Baby Bee’s Nourishing Baby Oil. Again, it’s made of apricot, grape, wheat, sunflower and rosemary oil. My verdict.. love it! Love it! Obsessive mommies.. take note!! 😉 I use this one to massage Bella when she’s a lot younger. No chemicals and filled with nature’s goodness!

The good thing about Burt’s Bee product, is that if you bring your empty Burt’s Bee product container on the 31st on the month, you’ll get 20% discount on the your next purchase. Yay!! I love discounts!! Haha..

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. Items are purchased by me. Views are solely based on my experience.

43 thoughts on “Mommy Likes : Baby Skin Care

      1. KLCC pun ada, doc.
        sama level dengan Signature Food Court
        - dekat kawasan tengah-tengah KLCC tu.
        if the food court is behind you, then the booth is on the left hand side.
        good luck!

  1. Totally Burt’s bee.. I’m using it too dr! The lip balm is super best,tatau nak describe macam mana, feels like putting the honey to my lips.the next best thing,,but scared plak ants gigit.. Burt’s bee feels so natural and my kids love it too

    1. OMG!! I love the lip balm too!! I dah stock up their xmas lipbalm offer byk2!! Totally worth buying now sebab nice packaging and cheap! Hehehe.. 😀

  2. my baby plak, having rashes due to her sweat, her air liur, her muak susu….abis merah2 her leher…what is your recommendation doc, pegi govt clinic bg cream yg ada steroid…bile kering nmpk teruk skin baby…

  3. boleh tanya? muka dr. mulus je, dr. pakai brand apa? saya lepas bersalin, kulit muka dah kusam…kesian kat saya! 😛

  4. byak ada juga…huhu… i punya sis pun ada pakaikan tuk baby dye…memang agak berkesan..hee…..

    Merchant / Brand :
    Burt’s Bees Malaysia

    Location :
    Burt’s Bees Stores @ The Curves/ The Gardens Mall
    Gurney Plaza / Sunway Pyramid / Suria KLCC /

    Summary :
    Enjoy discounts from 50% - 70% at Burt’s Bees. For selected items. Terms and conditions apply. !


    Burt’s Bees - Gurney Plaza
    Burt’s Bees - Sunway Pyramid
    Burt’s Bees - Suria KLCC
    Burt’s Bees - The Curve
    Burt’s Bees - The Gardens Mall

      1. hahhaa…..bukan… ” Burt’s Bee” [kekasih gelap jer} kiki…===gurau jer====
        cuz ada org rply “ada tmpat lain ker? selain dari klcc?…so saya selett tepi sikit tolong bgi tahu bRanch ” Burt’s Bee” selain klcc ..(^-^)

      1. jappp nak selettt ni hee…. 🙂 == kena tngok juga dr segi permakanan si ibu…selalu yer…hee… 🙂 , after susukan baby ..clean with water dan sapukn bedak …heee tak perlu risau cuz ..lama2 bda tu akan hilang… *jika kesan tu berterusan…kena jumpa dc. scepat mungkin takut kulit bayi tu sensitive atau ada halahan sesuatu =*ini note from dc. to my sis*= alhamdulilah my nephew ruam merah2 2 sudah hilang….

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