I dont even realized that until I saw a message on my FB page..
Barely Supermommy is ONE today!!
Thank you for all your support, opinions, experiences that you have shared together with me on this page. It’s really a new journey for me on being a mom and personally I think it’s good to share with other mommies out there the ups and downs of motherhood.
So, yay!! Cheers to many more happy years together!!
*clap, clap, clap*
What am I up to nowadays? We are moving out in a few days time. We just thought we need a slightly bigger place for us and the coming baby.. So, our house is really looking like a tongkang pecah right now.. I’m a bit emo leaving our current place coz this is our first house together. We moved in almost two years ago with only our own luggages, slowly we bought furnitures together… Haaa.. so sentimental.. all the fights and hardwork fixing IKEA furnitures.. Hahahha..
This is the most organized mess in the house.. boxes from supermarket!!
And that’s B, joyful as ever.. busy playing hide and seek behind those boxes..
Congrats barelysupermommy. =)
owh memang emosi Dr,pernah alaminya
B!!so cute
bella sgt comel!
congrates doc!
new home..new baby..wow best nyerrrrrrrrr cute B..panjang dh rambutnyer..baru la nampak gurl skit heeh
Memang penat pindah rumah…baru je rasa hari tu, by the way congrats to barely supermommy! Comel B!
Take good care dr. esp. yang kat dalam tu… so tiring bila pindah randah ni..
Wow! Congrats! Berjaya gak ko ber blogging selama setahun kan….now dah terer 😀
Happy Bestday to Barelysupermommy. I love reading Your blog. Inspired me as I’m a mom to my beloved little toddler Hannah Inarah. Thank u Dr.
New member = bigger space. Take care!
Congratz. Never stop writing!
Hello DR!!
ur moving out from the zehn?! the house r u going to rent or what?
thank u barelysupermommy.com! I gained knowledge about parentshood from here…no need much to googling the deep toodler thing and skema article…hurmm maybe because im not married yet!! heheh…
I enjoyed it. It makes me feels like I want to marry now!! (too bad, i’m still a student) 😉
but the best thing can live together with very own family n very own house… how can time past by… hope like u or others that can live in very OWN house… with private places..
B dah ada iras Dr Halina lah sekarang ni…
very fun and enjoy…l like read this blog..congrate Dr.Halina..
even I don’t married yet.but I really enjoy to read this blog and waiting for new entries everyday…keep on writing dr halina… u hve inspired me to be a good mom at the future..
congrats Lina. Already 1 year. Keep on writing. Take extra gud care of yours. alahai..so cute B’ s smile.
Doc, muka Bella same like you hehehhe..
congrats mommy
Salam Dr,samalah kita. Akak pun nak pindah rumah this week. At least Dr baru 2 tahun duduk rumah tu. Akak dah almost 14 years tau. Sedih sgt2 bila anak2 kata rumah kami 2 tempat sama ketawa, menangis, membesar, belajar dan bla bla bla. So sayu sgt2 hati ni. Ya betul Bella ni makin besar makin menyerupai wajah Dr yek. Nampak Happy aje si kenit ni. Gigit nak !!.Kak Rina
Little B aka Kaklong to-be makin lama makin comel…. (^_^)
Awesome! Your lil one is growing nicely too. Always following barelysupermommy’s adventures. Me and my lil one just started blogging too.
Check us out!
I love the way you write each entry…simple and sometimes knowledgeable. You make me always wait for your new entry…congrats doc!!!
Congrats doc!! i’m really proud of you….
bella fotostat muka Dr 🙂