Just now we went shopping to look for Bella’s kasut and handbag raya!! 😀 Yes, she will need a tiny sling bag to collect her duit raya!
I just think it’s more fashionable to see her walk around with a cute little sling bag and baju kurung. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to find any bags that is small enough for a one year old toddler. Hmmm.. maybe a one year old toddler doesn’t carry a bag.. Hahaha..
AWESOME!!! Terpaksa beli!! 😀 Then my husband said he found something better.. I was curious..
What’s better than my orange shirt??!!
Check this out!!
Ok!! Hands down.. daddy wins!! Hahahaha.. Thats why people say.. a father will always be protective over his little girl!!
hahahaa….the power of big boss….:)
Hahahah! Selamat Hari Raya to Datuk and Dr Halina …… and kish kish to lil Bella!
dua2 awesome..lau saya mesti amik semua..hahaha..*tamak..
sure comel je bella terkedek2 di pg raya dgn bju kurung..
Hahaha…lawak2…x kering gusi betul la..
30???daddy, younger please..^_^
Zara has lots of bags for toddlers.
I love read your blog!
sy pn de jumpe romper yg tulis sma mcm bju oren doc 2…tp xbeli…skrg rse myesal plak xbeli bju 2…waaaaaa!!!
lol 🙂
Hahahahah….. But 30 is very far away. Make it 25. Better. Hihihii
Oh no!! 30??!! Lol!
Btw check out pumpkin patch ada cute lil handbag for toddler
happy eid, thousand hug n kisses for Bella
Dr,plz pray for me
nak mengandung juge
thank u
ahak! so cute both of you, awesome daddy and mommy !
luv ur blog ++ little Bella’s sweet smile.. : )
jgn lupe update pics raya Bella nnti.. Salam Syawal Dr Halina & family
try handmade handbag la for bella…
huish..lama sangat 3o tahun tu sis…hihihi
so sweet dr 🙂
really cute!! haha
i really love to read your blog.its funny..
Saya juga dapatkan baju yang tertulis ‘If You Think….’ for my 10month old baby in red. Cute sangat..
Where can I get the no date tee? Love it!!
super duper cute!
hahaha..seb bek anak i pun gugurl jugak..kalau boboy jenuh gak menunggu sampai 30 tu!
Comell!!! hahaha….. bella have a very lovely parents…. she is lucky!!! ^_^
alahai……nak hand bag jugak…..pakai baju kurung dgn. hand bag……mesti super cute bella nanti!!!!!!……
Salam Dr, ala ciannya Bella x dapat beg tangannya. “Apa la daddy ni 30thn mana aci. Daddy date dengan Mummny dulu masa umur Mummy berapa yekK?” kata Bella nanti. Kak Rina.
saya suka tengok baju budak kecik sekarang..ayat2 kat baju ade yang sweet ade yang kelakar..macam baju my cousin “smart like daddy sweet like mummy”..btw selamat berpuasa & selamat menyambut aidilfitri to dr. harlina, dr. sms & our super duper cute kakak to be bella 🙂
cute je….
heheh…comel kan kalau bela bawak sling bag collect duit raya..thinking of to buy 1 for my doter as well…o
cute tshirt !! selamat hari raya aidilfitri to dr. shaikh, dr. harlina n bella the kakak to be..maaf zahir batin
jangan mummy ngan daddy lak gaduh nak beli nak tengok t shirt mana senang..kalau bella dah faham besar sikit nanti,mesti dia gelak je tengok2 naju dia waktu kecik2…hehe
I think both t-shirt came with funny sentence…hihi
awww…comelnya baju tu. tapi yang orange tu lagi comel kot.
dr halina…..i love every single story that u post in this blog!!!! jaga bella baik2 ya.. nk sgt jumpe dr dgn dr sheikh muszaphar!!!