My Own Domain!!

Yay!! Finally I have my own domain!! πŸ™‚ Yes, I’m still learning how to use WordPress (damn its hard!) but knowing me.. I LOVE CHALLENGES!! πŸ™‚ Nope, I’m not gonna change to blogspot.. I am sticking to WordPress.. From now on, my blog address, instead of Its now officially

That is a lot of achievement for an IT blunder like me!! Hahaha.. trust me!

I’m sorry I haven’t been able to update my blog.. Busy baby sitting these three.. (L-R: Aiman, Bella, Balkish) and tomorrow we are gonna have roadtrip to Singapore!! Daddy is attending some astronaut conference there… Mommy and Bella saja wanna jalan2 πŸ™‚ Will write to you when I come back!!

Lots and lots of love.. X

22 thoughts on “My Own Domain!!

  1. Halina, i love the barely supermommy title. almost can relate.just delivered to my 2nd boy 2 wks ago and now preparing for aqiqah so just had time for fb. Breastfeeding can be tough. Bella is a combination of you two, congratulations belated and i hope i can bring you something girly from RP wen we find time to travel around. πŸ™‚

    1. hi naheeda!! great to hear from the philllipines!! and congrats to you on yur bundle of joy!! no 2?? Ciisssss.. I have a lot catching up to do!! hahahah… hope the aqiqah went well.. Love! X

  2. hi doc. i’ve been using wordpress since 2008 and still stick to it until now. mula2 rasa susah, tp dh biasa tu ok je. lg suka compared to blogspot. πŸ™‚

  3. best nye dpt pergi singapore .. !!! i haven;t been there so i hope that you could share your experiences with us πŸ™‚

  4. Dr, saye ni belum kahwin & belum ada baby sendiri lagi πŸ™‚
    tapi Sye betul2 sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee baca blog Dr..
    hehehehehhe boleh tambah ilmu pengetahuan & Sye boleh share dgn kawan2 =)
    hopely Dr sentiasa updated blog Dr ni even Dr da start kerja nanti…
    Love Bella n also her mummy…

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