His Next Book is Out!

For the past few months, my hubsy has been working on his new book.. He has been to many local and international schools, universities and colleges, and from his experience interacting with the students, he recognised common traits that makes an excellent student excel and relate it with his own experiences. Knowing him, always on the go, wanting to improve himself and others around him, he comes out with this book, hoping the students out there to learn from his experiences.

It comes in hard cover (Yay! No more buku kemek!!) for RM50.00. You can contact Miss Dewi at +60192811930 to get a copy of this book. As far as I know, this book will not be available at bookshop as yet. Whoever wants a signed copy, you can also inform Miss Dewi and she will sort it out for you.. 😉 *Dewi darling, take note!! Hehe..*

What was my contribution for this book?

I choose the front cover picture!! Hahaha…

That’s my choice of picture, people!! *pat myself*

Tried to take some artsy-looking picture but I guess I’m not really a right brain person. Art is definitely not my forte. Haha..

Eh, go call Miss Dewi now!! 😉


38 thoughts on “His Next Book is Out!

  1. Mauuuu !!! Yg ada sign dr sms lg cantekk!! Please please please doc. Vaucher buku terima ke ? Hhee

  2. Dr… buku 2 ad citer pnglmn 2 become a successful medicl stdnt jgk x? Coz i really rse trsepit skrg ni nk gve up x bole tp da x lrt 😥

  3. Dear Dr Halina, bole tak nak autograph Dr & Dr SMS dkt buku tu? Sy dah contact Miss Dewi & I got d reply. Hopefully u can fulfill my wish 😉

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  8. Haha Doc, I am a right brain user (active one) and your trial of taking some artsy-looking picture is funny haha. but nice. but the book looks so kesian under that keyborad haha

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