While I’m Oncall..

I'm currently at the hospital while writing this..
While I'm serving the community (cheewahh..) My husband will be at home taking care of our children. I'm really thankful because I can rely on him to take care of the girls while I'm away and not worry a thing about them.
Thank you, S…
And my husband will send me pictures of them having fun at home.. Mostly just wanna make me feel jealous, I think! Hehe.. Yes it works! Yes I'm jealous!
And this one just came in earlier today…
Tasha loves to crawl around the house. She can be found wandering around on her own, hiding behind the curtain, playing under the dining table, crawling from room to room.. This girl is really active. And for the past three weeks, she has started to stand and cruise.. the sofa is her favourite..
The picture above, that's Tasha under the dining table, trying to cruise while holding on to the seats, and check out B's expression.. priceless moment!
Thank you S for making sure I didn't miss this moment!
Will be home tomorrow after my handover rounds 😉
I miss you all..

35 thoughts on “While I’m Oncall..

  1. Allah. touching pula baca bila seorang ibu taknak melepaskan peluang melihat anak2 membesar depan mata, hehehe. ibu bekerjaya kan, it’s ok Dr. Halina, as long your hubby is the best dad to them! jangan risau, your S is super to them. hiksss. pliz hug them for me yaaaaaa 🙂

  2. Assalammualaikum Dr Halina Mohd Yunos. Saya Andrian Lim Jien Yoong pelajar Broadcasting & Film daripada Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College. Saya difahamkan dan telah membuat research tentang Dr.Halina pernah menjalankan kaedah bersalin dalam air ( Water Birth ) dan saya harus mendapatkan maklumat daripada Dr. Halina untuk melengkapkan kerja kursus saya ( Final Project ) saya berharap sangat dapat bantuan dan kerjasama daripada Dr. Halina untuk membantu saya dalam akedemik saya. Sebarang pertanyaan Dr. Halina bole hubungi saya melalui facebook ini ataupun email saya Eyanlimiii@yahoo.com saya mengharapkan kerjasama Dr. Halina terima kasih

  3. What a cute doc.. I’m really adored u … strong working mummy..hopefully I can be like u especially during my work time..

  4. Doc, pasang cc camera Kat Umah and link to yr computer at work, so that u can check what they’re doing at home all the time. Now zaman Serbs canggih can do one.

  5. May Allah bless ur family dr 🙂
    Love to read ur story. Eventhough i’m still studying(not even married yet) *haha*, ur stories inspired me =D

  6. Hihi..same like my nephew.suka sangat merangkak bawah meja dan selalu buat bunyi kucing.hihi.tasha dan bella comey sangat 😉

  7. lbh kureng je mcm saya. penjaga ank which is my sis always send pics. sometimes we had video call. mslhnya bila si ank nmpk si mami dlm video mula la nk dtg kat mami. nk masuk dlm vdeo hihiks! daaah mami pn ssh nk wat keje jd rindu.

  8. alalala so sweet & adorable sgt2! really love & cant wait baca ur blog doc about ur kids, been there & done that too but the different is I got 2 boys ..ehehe actually kids are all the same with different character :))

  9. Fathers nowadays are not typical/traditional fathers macam zaman mak ayah kita dulu. Dulu…semua mak…sebab mak tak kerja. Ayah2 zaman sekarang nampak lebih ada ‘touch’ dgn anak2. Same goes to my husband and my 2 kids…ada sekali masa kursus, kakak2 yang senior tanya: sapa jaga anak malam2…of course la ayah dia (my answer)…u know what they said: untung laaaaaaaaa suami boleh diharap jaga anak…

    1. now they started to interact with each other in their own language.. can’t wait for the day they started to sabotage me!! ahhaha.. that would be fun! 😀

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