Benjol Management *wink*

Being a mommy to a toddler is definitely more challenging. They just walk around like Energizer Bunny and try to grab everything they can. MasyaAllah.. and Bella is one of them too. I’m not complaining. I’m very happy she’s healthy and active but I’m just worried about her safety.

Last night, when we were out of the house, she tripped herself on a carpet and accidentally bang her forehead on to the corner of the wooden table. My heart skipped 2 beats. She cried and I immediately checked her face making sure there was not cut or bleeding area.

While I was doing my “tu ku takal muka pintu, fuh.. fuh..” charm on her forehead..

(hahha, yes I know it’s against medical ethics but Bella loves it when she’s faking her cries!! Hehe..) This time it doesnt work! I know it is something serious! Then I saw a benjol spot emerging from her forehead.. I ran to her daddy.. “Bella jatuh.. Benjol!! What to do??” *insert panic tone here*

~ in my defense, she never had benjol before, this is my first time, panic lar sket kan.. ;)

Then her daddy checked her forehead, “Go get ice cubes..”

“Owhh.. I forgot they taught that in orthopaedic before.. Silly me..” Hehehe…

So we put ice cubes on her benjol spot. It turned red for a while and it disappeared after that..

And today, no more benjol spot on her forehead :)

So mommies, our take home message today.. Immediate benjol management is to put ice cubes immediately before further damage happens to the soft tissue and vessels underneath the skin :)

44 thoughts on “Benjol Management *wink*

  1. Oh…may boboi benjol a lot! Sebab sangat2 active sometimes he didn’t see where he wanted to go… tu yang terkena sana terkena sini… sangat risau jugak sebab takut gegaran otak ker… effect di kemudian hari…

  2. I pun selalu “tuku takai belakang pintu, budak nakai memang lagu tu”..LOL!
    Thanks for the info. I selalu confuse either nak hot or cold compress kalau benjol. Especially bila panic anak dah meraung lagi la otak ni stop sekejap berfikir.

  3. It happened to my son before, benjolnya sebesar telur ayam! Tp masa tu Dr belum ajar lagi letak ice cubes..:-) Anyway, glad to see Bella is still cheerful.

  4. ni petua dari orang2 tua
    letakkan cuka makan…paling elok cuka kurma…insyaALLAH lebih mujarab dan efektif dari letak ais…sebab dah buat uji kajinya

  5. Pingback: Benjol 101 « Our Journal:This is us

  6. petua orang2 tua….
    letakkan cuka makan di kawasan benjol tu…paling cepat cuka kurma
    dah buat uji kaji dah
    memang lagi berkesan dari ais
    lagi satu kurang sikit tangisan anak kecil itu
    selamat mencuba!

  7. immediate management is not ice cubes pack.. take a camera and snap a picture.. then only go and get ice cubes… hahahahah… sayang bella !! xx

  8. lol .. one of my lecturer (a Doctor) also mcm tu , immediate simple-ice cube-step to reduce the benjol pun tak terfikir … sebab panicked sgt .. esok jadi emak, agak2 mcm tu lah ek ;-) (still a long journey for me.but reading all your entries ini dan before buat saya nak pregnant hihi)

  9. kelantanese version charm: buah-buah atah bukik, budok buah buleh nyakik (buas-buas atas bukit, budak lasak beroleh penyakit)

    i remember the elders always chant this charm when i was a kid.

    hihi…lawak la muka bella.

  10. cube kt umah sy mmg ready untuk benda benjol2 ni, sampai anak pun dah tau terantuk ke, terluka ke bukak peti sendiri ambik ice tempek, aiyyooo kena gigit nyamuk pun mintak ice kt ibu wooo!

  11. Mmg payah skit nk kawal bila anak2 kita makin aktif, sama la mcm saya, kita x sangka benda nk jadi kan. Harap2 semua nyer terkawal..Bella makin membesar n good girl…

  12. Salam Dr, serupa la jampi dr tu dengan akak.Budak2 umur macam ni memang payah nak kawal. Lagi dah dapat kaki (dah boleh jalan) x nak duduk diam. Mereka lagi pantas dari kita yang menjaganya. Kalo g mana2 stroller tu dah x nak naik. Kalo naik pun sekejap aje. Kalo g makan kat restaurant jangan harap la nak makan dengan aman damai kena gilir-gilir makan dengan suami.
    Apa pun ini semua pengalaman yang paling seronok untuk dibuat kenang-kenangan nanti.

  13. dr kecik, mak kami ajar tuam dgn tuala/kain lampin yg tlh dihembus dgn nafas kita..sampai ada haba suam2 gitu..sampai skrg praktik cara far so good..

  14. anak i pun jatuh last nite..mcm nak luruh jantung dengar bunyi kepala die terhempap kat lantai..menggelepar jugak la sakit die..i letak ice..hopefully takde luka dalam..

  15. yes.. ice cubes really works everytime my children got a benjol. hahaha.. bila terlanggar bucu atau terjatuh n ade rasa nak jadi benjol, cepat2 taruk ice cube, tak sempat jadi benjol besar pun… penah sekali balik kerja, tgk my son punye dahi dah bertelur (benjol) besar. ngerii tgk.. bibik kata jatuh kena tepi pintu n dia just tuam dgn towel panas… tp benjol tak susut… lepas i bagi ice cube slowly benjol menyusut.. since im bfeeding mom, dlm freezer mmg ada ice packs.. so i just guna icepacks je, not ice cube now coz children sebok nak kemam ice drpd nak letak kat benjol tu… hehe… bila bibir berdarah mmg diorg pun da tau, gi freezer amik ice packs n isap2 kan je…..

  16. my boy yang merangkak ni belum pernah lg la benjol dahi even haritu dia ada jatuh katil sekali..risau pulak bila dia dh pandai jln nnti sbb x reti duduk diam

  17. So sweet bella.. hurm, Dr. just asking if terkena air panas and I rendam my son directly to kolam air mandi yg amat sejuk, xde ape2 kan? because, if we adults ni when terkena air panas biasenye org kata letak ice cube juga.. but xbrani nk buat kt my bby.. I really hope that it won’t effect anything, so far scar pon xde.. hmm..

  18. kebetulan mlm td anak i pon terjatuh dr kerusi, n terkena pipi dia sikit.
    then terus teringat ur advice.
    cpt2 i amik ice cube n tuala letak kat pipi dia yg benjol tu.
    it turns red! dah mcm blusher dah i tgk. haha..
    then slowly the reddish color disappeared.
    alhamdulillah, pg td tgk pipi mcm xde ape2 yg berlaku.
    thanks 4 ur tips doctor! :)

  19. Homaigod DR!! U’re so funny.. Am enjoying reading this topic=p Hahaha.. Yes, when we are in panic situation everything that we learn in the past went missing.. Hahaha.. Alhamdulillah, i have not face such of this bruises management.. Mintak simpang ya allah!!

  20. saya ingat mommy2 modern dah tak de jampi tu..saya tengok mak usu saya yang selalu buat kat cucu2 dia..tak sangka dr pon ade jugak ye…

  21. Hye nak tnye doc..last time my daughter jatuh katil..ade benjol..tuama dgn air panas n ice cube cam no more lebam atau merah2.. But still rse mcm benjol x hilang sepenuhnya.. Bahaya ke atau lama kelamaan akan susut.. Pls advice!

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