On a telephone conversation with my husband:
Hubby: Bella demam. She drank only 1oz milk this morning. Makan pun tak byk.. Coughing still..
Me: *panic button pushed* OMG!! We must bring her to the doctor!! *in a high-pitched tone*
Hubby: We are doctors, aren’t we? *blur*
Me: *gulp* Lupaaa!!! I was totally in my mommy mode. Forgot I’m a doctor.. Hahahha..
Hubby: ….
I feel u. Relax dear. Bila anak sakit terus lupa semua benda.
hehehe..bila panik trus lupa mummy n daddy sendiri doctor..get well soon Bella 🙂
sangat comel…bella…momy dia pun..shock..sampai lupa momy n daddy doctor 🙂 get well soon bella 🙂
hehhehee funny la doc, how can u forgot both of u are doctor, yes.. such as feelings of other mothers (^_^)
hahahah sis Lina ni lawaklah..
Insya Allah takde pape..demam nak pandai tu
u r so cute la Dr..no wonder bella also cute!!mcm mana la boleh terlupa..hehehe
so sweet Dr Halina…heheh
poor bella….
hehe…senyum sorang2 i bila baca…..mmg panik kan bila ianya berkaitan anak….
hehehehe… kelakar la…
alamak….. siannya..
get well soon
panik lupe trus yg sendiri doktor hehehehehehe kelakar
b comel sgt.. lekas sembuh ok.. 🙂
heheheheh so sweet… the whole office can hear me laughing… hehehehe
hahah Dr Halina, this is way too adorable and funny. get well soon Lil B!
Urrrmmmm…… Demam? Doc, in this situation memang agak panic…. Because doc as a mother to baby B….dats y boleh lupa…. BydaWay….. To bb B…. Hope cepat sembuh 🙂 k, n be a gud gurl to your mummy & daddy…….
Get well soon dear Bella 😉 Both are doctors hehehe nice one, Doc ! 🙂
hihi kelakar pulak !
Hahaha..comelnya dua orang doctors/parents ni..your post never fails to make me smile.. 🙂
we caught a glimpse of u at **mc last tuesday afternoon. bawa baby Bella to see paed eh? how is she now?
hurm..samela..my lil Adam pun coughing..frust sangat bile dengar die batuk time tidur…
get well soon baby B!
orang tua-tua cakap demam nak pandai tu (setiap kali lepas demam akan ada kepandaian yang baru )
poor little bella,,,,
semoga kembali pulih,,
get well soon bella
lol! 😉
demam nak besar yer…:)
demam nak besar ye bella?? 🙂
dr,,u must always in relax:s situation ! i proud of u …(caring m0mmy) always hppy,doc hlina !!! may allah take care your fmily ! XOX0
ok. thats funny LOL.
Haha comel gile! Lucky B ada doctor on standby 24/7, not one but 2 summore! Get well soon B!
serious lawak hahahhahaha
pes tyme nak komen sini, selama ni jadi silent reader, tapi entry ni betul2 buat saya tergelak! hahahaha!
it’s ok…sebab i pun selalu alami…bila panic habis semua lupa…kadang-kadang cari benda yang depan mata pun tak jumpe…tapi sempoi je jawapan Dr. SMS…hehe
so cute la dr.lina..hehehe…hope bella get well soon…
cepat sembuh ye Bella
Kasih ibu…tiada tandingan boleh lupa segala…..I’m proud of you dr halina….
bellah da brape tahun ek?
Mummies are always in worry mode.
Get well soon sweety pie !!
kELAKAR giler dr! Heheee. Get well soon Bella de amorr.
wahh bella so cute..rase mcm nak cubit2 jer dia,…eee geram2.,..get well soon bella,,, 🙂
serious kelakar la doc ni… hehe..really enjoy when reading your blog with adorable bella!
Heeeeee,,,kelakar la dr. Halina ni…
boleh tak nak share cite sweet ni kat FB??
nak minta izin dulu, kalau tak boleh, saya tak kan share…
just wanna share something very3 sweet i thought~
Bella demam nk besar tu. Get well soon, Bella!
same with me here..anak dmam xnk minum susu dh 3 hari..smpi bibir kering..nangis je..went to see doc dh 2 kali different clinics..now baru ok sket..telinga nanah..lucky you you are a doc yourself..hahah..
same with my daughter’s feverish, coughing, flu..uwaa~musim kot (ayat tenang kan jiwa):p
Hahaha..! It happened to my sister. Get well soon Bella! *hugs* 🙂
Kadang2 i pun tpikir gak..doc, or ank2 depa ni x sakit or demam ke???
Still needs to see doc ya??
Hahaha. Comel ye. Tapi memang selalu jadi macam tu kan. 🙂
biase lah tu.
mommies mmg selalu panic.
nasib baik daddies selalu tenang.
btw, i’ve tried ur recipe yg epal n chicken tu semalam.
sedap seyhhh!
anak i pon suke sgt2!
eh2, sape yg mkn ni sebenarnye?
thanx 4 sharing Dr. Halina.
loved it B-)
lagi besar peranan sebagai ibu dari sebagai doktor.. sampai terlupa sendiri pun doktor jugak.. cian little B..
did bella had flu or cough dr? my 6 months baby had flu and cough dah seminggu, and when sleep at night 2 jam sekali dia bangun jerit2 uwaaa tak selesa agaknya, i pergi hospital bagi ventolin( don’t know how to spell) and ubat flu , i memang bagi 3 kali sehari the medicine, kalau tak kurang jugak cam mana yea dr? kena tukar ubat ke ? and i nak tanya pendapat you pasal yg bagi gas utk cairkan kahak tuh, when the doctor will suggest that? ada yg kata ok benda tu ada yg kata tak elok … confuse i ..
Nebulizer utk cairkan kahak is ok for babies.. In Bella’s case, she still looks ok. She wasnt on any medicine. I minum vit c byk2, bg dia susu badan saya jer. She eats yogurt to soothe her itchy throat.. Flu memang ada tp saya biar jer. I want to build up her immune system. But we monitor closely her behaviour. Asalkan dia still nak mkn, active.. Shud be ok.. Alhamdullillah..
tq dr for your reply … emm bella eat yogurt yg mana satu yea, yang banyak2 jual on the shelf kat supermarket tu ke? my baby flu and cought still ada lagi , she is due for her 6 months injection, is it true kalau dia tak sihat tak boleh amik that injection until dia totally free from cought and flu?
Ada yogurt utk baby.. Brand Petit Maim.. Sedap 🙂
tak sangka doctors pon panic rupanya. me ingat doctors mesti relax relax aje. hehe sbb me wish me a doctor bila anak sakit ;(
so funny u two……
Dr. Harlina ni kelakar la 😀 so cute bila lupa yg Doctor mmg Doctor hahah 😀
memang kelakar dan spontan cerita ini.
Funny la.. maybe its true when it comes to our kids, mommy jadi haywire. Share kat FB i since I found it as cute, Dr Harlina.
hehe..doktor pun still can panic with her own doctor 🙂
even doktor pun still panic, kita ni orang biasa lagi lah panic 🙂
You are effortlessly funny! 😀