Our date!!

Dont forget our date!!

Tonight, April 9, 2013 at 9pm on Astro Mustika HD 132 & Astro Ria 104.

The chaotically romantic!! Haha..

P/s: I don’t think we will be watching this show.. Haha.. Malu!! 😀


Photos credit to CST Production, Kak Akmar of Astro & Miss Wany Idris

107 thoughts on “Our date!!

  1. Dr,
    Mustika HD is 134….not 132…..hehehe…
    btw….sya dh siap set record tuk Romantika mlm ni….takut tak sempat nak tgk…
    suka tgk Bella….Just like my Cik Wiyah…. hehehehe…

  2. tak sabaq sangat2 nak tgk malam nie..harap tak dak sapa yg berebut siaran la.. huhu.. Dr.. tasya nampak kecik sngat.. tpi dah pndai smile 🙂 gitu.. sangat2 menanti romantika malam nie…

  3. he..he…i have been waiting this since u posted about it…for sure , it will be a cool romantic…will watch tonight 🙂

  4. semalam sy tgk romantika jugak, tp kluar artis sarah n shuib. maka sy pun xpuas hati. eh mana dr ngn husben. xkluar nie??
    at last, br prasan, semalam isnin.. malam nie br romantika-dr.. hehe

  5. Salam sesape yg RECORD bole x share? xde astro.. nk tgk jugak…..
    pwwweeeetttttyyy pleaaassseeee……

  6. Tadi kan saya nengok suratkhabar dan ditulis romantika malam ni adalah pelakon Eira Syazira n husband nya Azad..I wish to see u and family tonite!!!

  7. Dr, suruh Bella tengok, Dr diam je sambil Dr rakam apa komen & reaksi dia, lepas tu upload kat Keek 😉

  8. can somebody record it and post it online pleaseeeee…i’m in UK so i can’t watch it..don’t know if there’s online streaming available 🙂

  9. Definitely gonna watch it tonite! Doc, bella tends to look more and more like you as she grows up. Sooo adorable and such a friendly looks she has. 😉

  10. hai dr….hari ni birthday saya…so saya anggap anggap show mlm ni hadiah tuk birthday saya…hahahaha
    ****sengalkan??? :)***

  11. homaigod! Homaigod!! Homaigod!!! Nak tgok. Nak tgok. Nak tgok !!!
    tapi kat uma sewa takder astrooo!! Auww! Jd, study tuk test esok je la yg doc..

  12. I am now still at the office!!it’s already 8.51pm!terlepas la nak tgk..pity me..xpe lar,nnti sy tgk siaran ulangan..btw the photos in this entry are really really nice!Bella and Tasha are so cute and Dr you are so sweet:-)

  13. Done ! da habes tengok da .. well .. ‘ I bukan tak adventurous , I menjaga keselamatan ‘ teheee .. ;D .. btw .. doc berseri - seri sangat… glowing everytime .. bolehlah usha2x jadi pelakon sinetron slot Zehra .. haha .. 😉

  14. so sweet. dr., you look so beautiful. especially romantika dinner. i really like your jubah. where did you buy that dress?

  15. Dr. Halina memang contoh Isteri Mithali. Sgt dengar kata. Bertuah Dr. SMS. Semuga berkekalan bahagianya. Hingga dpt 10 anak. Amin…

  16. wahhh..Dr best sgt tgk romantika td…1 more thing time sedih2 td tuh..I pon nangis sama..hahaha…romantic what..sape kata xromantik…I like and love it so much….I’ll pray for ur happiness til hereafter…. 😉

  17. dah tgk……. nice and your family so sweet dr….. kami juga doakan dr bahagia sehingga bertemu dalam syurga….amin (p/s: dr boleh jadi role model rakyat malaysia anak ramai.. hihi )

  18. halina..u make me cry too!! so sebak! huhuhuhhuhu..Tahniah halina..moga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..InsyaAllah!

  19. Hehe…. malam tadi i baru tengok…. suka sangat tengok both of you…
    You punya dialog tu nampak natural tapi Dato’ Sheikh nampak macam control macho……hehe….tak natural ……
    Nape Bella tu duk nangis Dr masa swim?

  20. Dear Dr halina…So interesting to note a loving couple in romantica..I hv been married for 24 years n enjoy watching couple that u know can last forever…
    By d way..I am writing to you as I noted that both of you planning to have a big family. I wonder whether would you like to give consideration of knowing the woman maternity acct from hong leong. Not to worry..the fund is under dana putra..syariah compliance fund. The account gives allowance up to RM10, 000 per delivery..claimable up to 3 birth. And also other special coverage before n after delivery. I sincerely hope to be given d opportunity to share for your understanding. Not to worry..if u decide not to take up.. opportunity given for sharing is good enough n alhamdullilah. My contact no is 0164184002 n attached with Hong Leong Financial Group as an Agency Manager. Been with Hong Leong for more than 10 years.. do Google my name to check on profile roslima saat. My website rose5saat.com. tq

  21. MashaAllah…both of you sgt bersederhana! part majuk tu…..diam means protes in silence la kan….ehemm

  22. mana ada nmpk silly doc. ok je.. cuma dr sms nmpk lg comfortable dpn kamera. anyway suka tgk both of u. sorg hensem sorg cantik. semoga bercinta hingga ke syurga… amin…

  23. My mom and I sebak jugak masa last2 yg you ckp thx to your husband tu…you sebak kitorg pun terikut sama..hehe..

    Anyways…may your family be in great health and will stay in love forever..Amin.


  24. ‘Sy minta maaf atas kekurangan sy’
    Oh doc, ayat tu buat sy terpana kejap, sy sehingga hari ni sudah terlupe tentang kekurangan sy pd suami sb asik fokus ape yg belum suami lakukan pd sy. Thanx doc, kate2 doc btol wat sy insaf dan rs nak meraung je mintak maaf kt suami ms 2 jugak. (Tp dia xda la plak sb outstation.huhu)

  25. Yeah malam tadi dapat nengok rasa puas..Saya ingat Dr SM macam pendiam tapi sebenarnya dia yang banyak cakap..Sy cakap kat my husband, ingatkan Dr SM tu pendiam je, then my hubby cakap, dah tentulah Dr SM bagi motivasi satu Malaysia mestilah terer bercakap, hehe…Bella sangat aktif yea..Love ur family..

  26. i love u dr…i dh tgk mlm td so sedih…huhuhu but sweet sgt my hubby and lil adriana pun tgk sama romantika…part bella nk susu dia lentok comel sgt2…love ur family dr..

  27. salam dr halina..
    Saya terlepas la nak tengok semalam..sibuk ajar kerja sekolah anak. Frust. Boleh tolong upload kat sini..?Boleh kan..

  28. abehla pasni sume wife kat malaysia suh laki diowg jd cm ur husband,boley tolong isteri kt umah,ckp pn lemah lembut 😉

  29. very sweet both of u…me and mum tengok..Dr Halina, nak tanya ur tudung masa dinner tu cantik..beli kat mana? nak beli juga..nice tudung

  30. Salam, Hi Dr. Halina, saya jadik pengomen yg ke -100 kot ni..hehe 😀 sbb nampak pengomen terakhir 99.
    Ok, tu tak penting…yg penting sekarang adalah…saya frust sbb terlepas Romantika Dr. Halina & Family,
    sbb time tu hujan so, service not available.. (ni astro punye hal la ni hehe :D)
    so, akan tunggu siri ulangannya…
    tapi tak tau bilakah akan diulang tayang semula…. 😦

  31. yeay!finish watching Romantika.i kat oversea,fuhh naseb baik ada yg tolong uploadkan full episod.i adore u dr Harlina!:)
    may He bless you and your family with the bless and bounty.ameen. ❤ bella and tasya! 🙂

  32. Baru perasan bile bella dah besar ni makin cantik really looks like u. And tasha memang ikut muka ur husband. Ok la tu sorang ambil 1. Hihi..

  33. Sy tgk tadi since terlepas the show on last Tue. Romantic aje u both:-) may your marriage will lasts forever ya..

  34. saya tengok yg ulangan.. dr halina… im proud with you.. dr SM cakap dr tak pernah meninggi suara selama berkahwin.. macamna dr boleh lakukan???

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