I’m overwhelmed to share this great news with all of you 🙂 We have been keeping this little secret to ourselves.. My God, keeping a secret is definitely not easy!!
But today, I guess is the right time to tell Barely Supermommy readers that we are expecting!! Bella is gonna be a big sister!!! 😀
I have completed my third month pregnancy and had a scan done earlier today..
MasyaAllah, it’s like a dejavu seeing God’s creation.
It may looks big on the screen, but in reality, a 3 month old fetus is only about 5cm long. God is great..
I pray for a healthy baby, safe pregnancy and secretly wishing for a boy 😉
(Haha.. not a secret anymore, I guess :D)
Whatever the outcome is, praise to Allah who granted our doa… alhamdullilah 🙂
Alhamdulillah.. tahniah dr halina.
Bella nak jadi kakak dah. :))
Congrats doc…bella nk jd kakak..
tahniah dr…
Masya’Allah…Alhamdulillah..Tahniah! Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya~
insyaallah, may yr wish come true….. amin…… we are happy for you…….
Congratz super mommy;)
Congratulation… 🙂
Congrates Dr.Harlina. Wish u take care yourselves and your baby too 🙂
OMG! Alhamdullilah..Congrats Dr Halina !!!
Gembiranya dengar berita ni. Semoga semuanya selamat ibu dan baby!!
Salam Ramadhan!
Alhamdulillah. Congrats to both u n Dato’ Sheikh.
I knew it!!!.. congrats!!! Bella gonna be a sista!!
Cpmgratulations!! I am so happy y’all!!
alhamdulillah, seronoknyeeeeee… i pun teringin nak tambah lg… mudah2an dpt.. aminnnnnnn..
congrats sis….bestnye bella bkal dpt adik comel….=)
congrats dr….=)
tahniah… =D
Alhamdulillah..jazakallah for u and B’s daddy..semoga dipermudahkan..its really great
jazakallah=thanks. it should be mabruk, hehe!
congrats dr,,hope suma dlm keadaan baik shgga bslin
Congratulation dr halina….. I am really glad to hear this good news!!!!!
congrats doc!
Alhamdulillah Dr Halina, may Allah swt bless u alwayzzz:)))
Congrats Dr.Halina… Happy for u… Take a good care of ur baby….:-)
Congratulations to both of you..
alhamdulillah.. tahniah 🙂 suka baca blog doktor..
jgn berhenti berkarya.. hihihi 😀
alhamdulillah…congrts Dr.Halina…
Alhamdulillah…semoga dipermudahkan segalanya..:)
Tahniah Dr Halina Dan Dr Sheikh Muzaffar 🙂 take care, harap2 Kali ni baby boy pulak 🙂
alhamdulillah… tahniah doc! semoga kandungan sentiasa sihat…
congrats..thks to Allah 4 d’ gift…take care Dr & bb too…
tahniah! Alhamdulillah, syukur…
tahniahhhhhh dr harlina. pray that u’ll get a handsome baby boy !
congrats dr halina!:))
whoaa….tahniah. Nanti Bella beza setahun je dgn baby baru 🙂
still 2 tahun kan, doc ;))
I’m a silent reader of yours….Congrats dr halina…. very happy to hear it… rasa mcm baru je bella lahir…..
Kan betul semua tekaan kami. Wpun baru ni doc announce. Congrats to the family 🙂
tahniah doc halina…kite same due….hope boy jugak kali ni…..tahniah doc
ija due biler?
skrg 11 minggu…due 10 feb 2013..hope same la due dgn doc halina…hihiihiih
Tahniah ija.. Smoga dpermudhkn semua..
Tahniah Dr Halina, dah agak dr hari tu lg… masa Bella nak start susu formula 😉
alhamdulillah.. congrats dr.. hv a safe pregnancy..
tahniah DR Halina ,… 🙂
Alhamdulillah. congrats doc! 😀
Congrate doc.. Im waiting for ur entry y u r looking for FM. Rp2 nye ada baby di dlm stomach 🙂
Wishing all the best for 2nd pregnancy..
congrats Dr Halina n Dr sheikh Muzaffar. I’m going to be a grandmum…. so excited waiting for my first grandchild.
i’m a silent reader of urs.. congrats dr. halina…. very happy to hear the gd news.. have a safe pregnancy.. =)
Congrat dr! Actually i dah boleh agak when read your entry seeking opinion about formula milk hari tu, but i guess it is too early for you to share kan, wahh dah 3 months keep secret yea…sure badan slim lagi ni..hehe happy for u and bella dapat adik, take care dr! Anyway,finally bella minum susu formula apa?
Congratulations to u!What a great news!Im happy for both of u.Me too having a second child now and insyaAllah will be deliver end of Oct.Semoga semuanya Selamat.U take care.
Congrats dr halina n dr sheikh… n also for sis bella
Congrats doc…rezeki di bulan ramadhan…
Congrats Dr. Harlina & Dr. Sheikh & Bella too…..
well, we knew it! congrats dr halina..semoga dalam lindungan Tuhan.=)
tahniah 🙂
bella dah jadi along ;p
So happy this piece of brilliant news.. congratulations to you, hubs and bella!
Salam doc…..Alhamdulillah..tahniah….wish Dr. Alwayz happy wit ur hubby, sweet Big sister Bella n ur little Khalifah……
Alhamdulillah, congratulations Dr. 🙂
Congrats dr halina n dr sheikh.. Happy for u.
Alhamdulillah. WowW Congratulations Dr. Im sure Bella will be a very good sister!
when is ur edd doc? mine is on dec..:)
take care.
Congratulation sis!
I hope this coming new baby is a boy. Cute boy like his sister pretty bella.
Love Lisa
KPJ Nursing Student Final Sem
Tahniah Dr. I dah dapat agak dah bila u cakap nak cari susu formula utk Bella.
haaa…can guess it from ur previous blog weaning B off tu;))) anyway, so very happy for u…nk itot jejak langkah doc jugak ah. but i’m wishing for gugurl…insyaAllah
Alhamdulilah. WowW Congratulation Dr. Im sure Bella will be a good sister!
Alhamdulillah. WowW. Congratulation Dr. Im sure Bella will be a very good sister!
Tahniah kak halina! Hope everything gonna be fine.. To you and baby!!! 😉
Salam, tahniah doc halina n family, wow br 3 bln dah nmpk sifat2 baby, rezeki dr Allah swt… Kami doakan doc selamat dr mengandung hingga la melahirkan..aminnn…
Congratulations dr n hubby, also to Bella!
Tahniah tahniah tahniah…
congrats Dr!! 🙂
Alhamdulila & congratulations to both of u
Alhamdulillah…we’re in the same boat doc :P….my 1st child is a couple of weeks older than bella..and now i am pregnant a couple of weeks earlier also..hehe…
Tahniah 🙂
Alhadulilah…tahniah Dr..
Alhamdulillah……tahniah Dr…:-)
Congratulation, kak! Etty pulak yang excited! Huhu
Please dr halina, jangan kurangkan picture bella yg comel2 tu bile dia da nak ade adik ni. Coz we are soooooo adore with bella. Btw, congratesss!!! Nmpak mcm baby boy
Alhamdulillah….Tahniah Dr & family
Congrats doc Halina and husband. I’m happy for you. 🙂 May Allah bless.
tahniah…bella akn dapat baby…rezeki…amin
Congrats! Hihihi.
congrate dr halina!!!happy 4 u & family
congrats dr.halina, me also in the same condition as you but i’m expecting my 1st. the previous pregnancy is gone at early stage.
dr. tak alahan ke?
alhamdulillah..tahniah Dr ,.. seronoklah bella jadi big sister 🙂
congrates… good news during ramadhan
Alhamdulillah..congrats..seperti di jangka kan..semoga doc 7 baby sihat ya…
alhamdulillah~ smuga dgn rahmatnya, kite tidak leka mentaati SEGALA suruhaNYA, meninggalkan LARANGAN NYA~ hidayah itu dicari, insyaAllah ❤
alhamdulillah dr!!!! wishing u healthy and bouncy baby! jangan kerja kuat2 sangat taw.. hehehe.. may ALLAH always bless your family..amin…
i want baby too…tapi tiada rezeki lagi. =(
heppi for u sis. pray for me. 🙂
congrats to u doc.. i’m so happy for the good news. Moga selamat anak dilahirkan di bumi ini.
Tahniah dr. Dah dpt agak masa paed i tweet dgn dr aritu. Moga semuanya ok. All the best!
Alhamdulillah, Tahniah ye buat Dr Lina/Suami…! Dr Lina takde alahan ye sepanjang usia kandungan 3bulan ni? Alhamdulillah.. Lia doakan baby & Mama baby sntiasa sihat walafi’at..Take good care of yourself & baby ye.. Aamiin. 😉
Alhamdulillah. Syukur
Alahamdulillah..tahniah and take care
Alhamdulillah…happy to hear that news. Congrats for the second pregnancy. I pray that u will be in good health always.
Alhamdulillah..yeayhh!!! 🙂
sOoooooooooooooOOOooooOOO>… this is why u start giving her formula milk. haha.. i thought giving brest milk can avoid pregnancy.. but still u get pregnant.. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 . hahaha
Congrats SuperMommy! All the best!
On your way to 10. But don’t forget to write to us about Little B (or will it be Big B now)?
alhamdulillah and congrats utk dr halina & sekeluarga..
alhamdulillah…dah agak dah =)
Tahniah sis Lina. take a good care!!
Congrats dr halina…take care both of u!!
congrats dr. halina..take a good care!
Alhamdulilah…rezeki dariMU YA ALLAH……
congratulation dr……take care….baby “b” become kakak “b”…..hehhehe
Alhamdulillah…syukurrrr….great to hear this good news!! 😀
Congratulation Dr Halina! happy for you…
nampaknya, kita bersaing lagi lah tahun ni…ehehehe…
Anak sulung saya was born on 23rd July 2011 which is sebaya Bella.
And now i’m pregnant too (10 weeks). 2nd child. Hehehe..Expected due date 22nd February (^_^)
tahniah dr…saya doakan dapat baby boy..amin
congratz dr halina n family!;)
tahniah sgt2…akhirnya bella menjadi kak long 😉
tahniah dr…take care..:)
alhamdulillah dr, tahniah…so this time deliver dlm air lg ker??hehehe…hope bby n dr sihat n selamat..aminn..
congrats lil B ;-)) be a gud big sista ya.! take care dr halina ;-))
Sukur alhamdulillah tahniah ye…wah best la bella nak dapat adik baru…huhuhu..take care dr..
Tahniah…..take care ok…
alhamdulillah..syukur..TAHNIAH DOC!
Tahniah doktor semoga kedatangan org baru membawa seribu rahmat kepada doktor sekeluarga…amin…
congrats kakna!!!finally update gk pasal bnd ni eh..dah agak dr awal lg.anyway take a gud care ok 4 u n the new bby…to Bella,nk jg kaklong dah awak 2..tolong mummy jg adik nanti k..luv u!
Congratulations to both of you :-)))
alhamdulillah.. congrats!!! ^_^
congrats Dr.Halina and Dr.Sheikh! 🙂
congrats doc.. since u already told in last entry that u got something to tell.. i already guess that u r pregnant! i think we can experience this journey together.. since me also pregnant 16weeks already. hahahaha…
tahniah dr. harlina n husband… wahhh, B dah jadi kak long la eh… =)
Dr Halina,congrats to both of u!
Salam…alhamdulillah Tahniah Dr.Halina….semoga baby membesar dlm perut dengan sihat….ameen…
Hehe…congrates Dr.!
Actually I’ve thought the news earlier from your previous entry…me myself have a kid who will be soon 18 months…Lately I heard so many good news about getting pregnant again from young mothers which makes me think, is this the correct time for me to conceive? Since looking to my little boy, I do think that he may not ready yet to get a brothes or sister…huhuuu…but like u said, Allah knows the best for us….congrate again Doc!
We are happy for you, Alhamdulillah.. 🙂
Alhamdulillah…… tahniah!
Selamat jadi kakak, lil’B ! 🙂
P.S. Since past few weeks asyik dapat cerita kawan-kawan pregnant.
Alhamdulilah. Congratulations.
Bella nak jadi K Long.
alhamdulillah…congrats doc, may Allah bless u & ur family…glad to hear Bella gonna be a sista….little B dah nak jd kak long…:))
alhamdulillah..tahniah dr harlina..
alhamdulillah..bella gonna be a big sista….suweeet!
Take a super duper care Dr. Halina…may everything gonna be smooth…
congrats doc.tetiba rasa mcm nak pregnnt gak…=)
wah… im happy for u.. tahniah sgt!!!
Alhamdulillah..tahniah dr halina n dr sms atas kehadiran bkl chya mata kedua..n tahniah utk bella sbb dh nk jd kakak..smga dilindungi n diberkati selalu..:)
Salam, Dr btul tak akak cakap hari 2.Bella nak jadi kakak. Bella nak dapat adik. Alhamdullillah. Kak Rina
Alhamdulilah..congrats dr.
happy for you dr Halina…. 🙂
Congrats and take care.
Congrats Doc…..^^..
Congrats doc..bella nye besday same with my doter (on july)..n now i’m prgnant 3 months 🙂 4 second baby 🙂
Alhamdulillah..congrats to u n hubby n B oso..hehe
Congrate doc. :))) bestnye Bella jd kakak..:))
Tahniah! 🙂
Tahniah dr halina!me too pregnant.now 14weeks..ths is my 3rd pregnancy & yg no 2 baru 10bln..mula2 dpt tau i pregnant lg mmg terkejut..yerla kesian kat yg no2..kecik lagi..tp bila dr halina announced about ths,i rasa teruja..that means Dr pun experience with close pregnancies…i ada kawan..hehe..moga Allah berikan kita zuriat yg sihat,comel&soleh..Amin..
Tahniah Dr…Take a great care of yourself and baby to be….
Tahniah Dr. Halina.. same with me.. I 6 weeks pregnant already… congrats to you.. Bella dah jadi kakak.. anak saya Haiqal dah jadi abg.. Syukran Ya Allah..
I also pray for a healthy baby, safe pregnancy and secretly wishing for a girl.. 🙂
Congrats Dr!!
Congrats to u and hubby!! Baby B dah nak jadi big sister!! yeaahh… 🙂
Congrats!!! :))
Eh,dr keje kat selayang ke ukm?anyway,congrats.semoga selamat Dan dipermudahkan 🙂
alhamdulillah tahniah..
been yr silent reader before this…congrat to u,dr sheikh and bella..dh agak u pregnant bile u ckp nk stop breastfeed bella..bella same age with my second son…
Congrats Dr! I’m feeling estatic as reading the great news. Take care of yourself and the baby.
i knew it! alhamdulillah. bi iznillah. mabruk to both Mr and Mrs Muzaffar. bella gonna have ‘fren’ to play with ;P
Waaa…Congratulations Dr.H & Dr SM..moga sihat2 ya Dr.Halina…
Mabruk to both Mr n Mrs Muzaffar! ;))
We got 2 things in common, my dotter name is Sofea, 19 Jul 2011, n my hubby alsa is Encik ‘Muz’, kekeke! Praise Allah for All His Love.
tahniah 🙂
congrats to both of you + bella! ni mmg betul2 plan nak dpt 10 orang anak ke…nasib baik bella keluar normal, boleh pregnant 2nd time cepat2. tak sabar nak tunggu the second one…take care…banyakkan makan kurma utk lebih bertenaga, yelah kena jaga Bella and daddynya….
Congrats! I’m expecting too. My lil’ boy is 1 month older than Bella. =) Rase nye due kita x jauh, still.. mine will be a month earlier than yours. InsyaAllah.
(Why I think this is funny? Sbb both a month older than yours kot?)
congrats doc!! hope the next one will be superhero! 🙂
tahniah to mummy, daddy n kakak bella 😉
tahniahhh dr harlina and husband and bella too hehehee
Congrats Dr. cpt2 buat anak sebab dah makin berusia kan 🙂
Tahniah..your first baby so cute and should be coming 2nd one double cute..semoga baby and Dr Harlina sihat..
Congrats to both of you… Moga Allah memberi berita gembira juge utk sy & suami… Ameen..
tahniah doc halina,,happy for u
Alhamdulilah..setahun satu nmpk DR. hehe 🙂 Bella must be happy to have a playmate at home soon 🙂 she’ll be a great model sister, l’m sure especially on swimming..haha :0
Tahniah sis!! bestnya. sy pulak rse sronok!! hehe 🙂
tahniah dr halina.
I hope all the best for your family Dr Halina.
Kak lina!! Congrates!! May everything goes smoothly ! And selamat berpuasa!-ila
Congrats Dr. Halina & Hubby & Bella also - oh, she’s goin to be “kakak” soon..bestnyer!!!
tahniah dr !
congrats dr 🙂 terbaca kat fanpage dr syeikh, terus type ‘barelysupermommy’ kat google xD
Congratulations Dr.Halina!God Bless you and your family=)
congratulations dr. Halina n family! May Allah protect ur fetus. Can’t wait to see ur second child ! ❤
alhamdulillah.. tahniah dr halina 🙂
Tahniah dear…luv to see ur 2D scan baby 🙂
tahniah doc…samela kita pregnant, saya baru 6 minggu…harap2 boy jugak….amin
congratulations doc 🙂
tahniah kak Bella. Jadi bigsister yang baik ye 🙂
Tahniah Dr Har. Moga tercapai target 10 anak. hehe
Tahniah! Hehe tetiba rasa excited pulak nak pregnant tp baby bulan depan baru 1 thn huhu =). Pepun always excited to read about you and bella . nnt slalu2la citer pasal baby & bella lagi ya. May Allah bless you, baby , bella & family =). tak sabar nak tau b or g hehe..take care & selamat berpuasa!
dok ble due??i 11/02/2013..three months also..he3..
tahniah dr ina & dr sms.. bella jadi kak long dah… yeayyy
congratz dr Halina 😀
tahniah dr halina..bella mesti tak sabar nk main dgn adiknya nanti..
lady B, kakak B..cumel!
Hye Mommies semua..
Jom “follow” blog Mummy Akmar dan sertai “Projek Amal EQQ” untuk anak-anak yatim di Perak.
Jom pergi link ni https://elqashrinqaisara.blogspot.com/2012/08/segmen-jom-follow-blog-el-qashrin.html
Di harap, semua dapat support dan bantu mereka yang memerlukan. Dan mendapat keberkatan dari Allah di bulan yang mulia ini.
*Tahniah Dr Halina dan Datuk… (komen yg ke-2)*
best nya!!!! dpt baby lagi…
Dr Harlina btol2 nak kejar 7 orang anak ni.. 🙂 Tahniah
Congrats Dr. Take care ya.
Congratz doctor… I have read an article in the internet that it is very good taking dates if u are pregnant..btw, take care! 🙂
Congratz doctor..rase xsabar nk tgk second baby ni..mesti comel mcm kakak bella heheheh
Alhmdulillah.. Syukur nikmat Allah, smoga semua dipernudahkn oleh-Nya, amin..
congrates, dr ! yeay yeay bella nk dpt adik…………. 🙂 hehehe
ahhahahha…bkl kah muncul sophea edora or baby boy????!!!!!!!!!:)..huahua teruja!..hihihi
Congratulation to both Dr..And to Bella,u gonna be a good sister.Don’t be naughty k B..Hope B get a lil brother just like her mother wishes..
Congratulations Dr. Halina, Dr. Sheikh & Bella. How your morning sickness especially in fasting month?
dh agak.ni mesti penyebab nak kasi bella formula milk :).. congrats dr.. im happy for u..
congrats….hopefully is a BABY BOY…..kali nie dalam air lagi ke???
Tahniah 🙂 patutlah takleh nak continue bfeed 🙂 Semoga semuanya sihat 🙂 Insyaallah… Seronok bila mengandung & melahirkan 🙂 Rindu pula nak mengandung lagi (walaupun sakit bersalin tu tak terkata, tp masih nak mengandung lagi & lagi & lagi )
Alhamdulillah…tahniah ye Dr….semoga doa & impian Dr. utk dpt anak lelaki dimakbulkan oleh Allah s.w.t. Byk2 lah berdoa di bln yg mulia ini agar semuanya selamat….
Alhamdulillah 😀 eeee it looks like i hv to get married as fast as i can hehehehe
tahniah…. wah kita sama… waiting for the new bundle of joy… hehehee